In 2020 the Lord directed me to attend Women with A Cause-Global
Outreach (WWAC-GO) conference, a ministry of HCICC. This has
been my home church for 5 years, where God has planted me. For years
I was diagnosed with pre-cancerous cells in my cervix. Every biopsy
came back positive for traces of cancer. In my second year of attending
HCICC, during a Sunday morning services Pastors received a word from
the Lord to speak over all who were battling cancer and they prayed.
The power of God healed me through the spoken words that were
released that morning over me. Upon returning to the doctor, another
biopsy was done. The results came back weeks later and they revealed
no signs of cancer!! The doctor said I wouldn’t have to have surgery and
have my cervix removed. The cancer was gone! A miracle! Praise God! Jesus, the healer.